Ecotoxicological monitoring of off-shore and on-shore mining activities

Off-shore oil plant in the Adriatic Sea

This line of research involved the development of application protocols for the use of biomarkers on animal bioindicators for ecotoxicological risk assessment of areas related to onshore (On-shore) and offshore (Off-shore) oil activities.  The estimation of "environmental quality" was carried out using biomarkers as a diagnostic/prognostic tool.

  • The knowledge that has been gained as a result of carrying out these projects has contributed and will contribute adequately: a) to the European emergence of cost-benefit management models for contamination reduction, recovery of degraded ecosystems and sustainable development of the marine environment; b) to provide important input to the most relevant conventions in the field (e.g. OSPARCOM, HELCOM, Barcelona and Bucharest Conventions).
  • On bio-indicator organisms (in cages and/or in situ), belonging to various systematic groups (invertebrates and vertebrates), chosen on the basis of the location of the survey site and an ecological study of the area under investigation, some biomarkers of exposure and effect to pollutant compounds derived from oil extraction processes such as: MFO system induction (BPMO, EROD, PROD, CytP450-Reductase), Porphyrins (Copro-, Uro-,Proto-porphyrins and total porphyrins), PAH metabolites in bile, Esterases (AchE, BchE, CbE), Vitellogenin, Radiated Zone Proteins, Micronuclei, DNA Adducts, Antioxidant Systems, Metallothioneins. These sensitive indices of exposure and effect to these classes of contaminants made it possible to monitor and control the ecotoxicological impact of the study area based on biological responses.
  • All the studies carried out in the different extractive realities have seen as a final stage the realization of a pilot application protocol for the study of ecotoxicological monitoring of extractive areas, fundamentally related to the Italian Mediterranean marine and terrestrial environment, by means of an integrated approach based on multiple responses of biomarkers and contaminant analyses (PAHs, Heavy Metals).
  • Progetto ENI-Agip dal titolo: Progetto BIO-AGRI, utilizzo di biomarkers nel monitoraggio ecotossicologico dell’area della “Centrale olio” di Val d’Agri. (Responsabile scientifico Prof. M.C. Fossi) Marzo 1999–Marzo 2001.
  • Progetto ENI-Agip dal titolo: Progetto BIO-MARE, utilizzo di biomarkers nel monitoraggio ecotossicologico di aree di estrazione petrolifera (offshore) di interesse Agip. (Responsabile scientifico Prof. M.C. Fossi). Settembre 2001 – Settembre 2004
  • Progetto ENI-Agip dal titolo: Progetto BIOVAT, Validazione dell’utilizzo di biomarkers nel monitoraggio ecotossicologico dell’area della “Centrale Olio” di Trecate. (Responsabile scientifico Prof. M.C. Fossi). Gennaio 2003 - Dicembre 2004
  • Progetto ENI-Agip dal titolo: Progetto ‘Advanced Processes for Oily Water Treatment’, Indagini finalizzate alla valutazione, attraverso la metodologia dei biomakers, dei potenziali effetti tossicologici delle acque di processo derivanti da attività estrattive on- e off-shore. (Responsabile scientifico Prof. M.C. Fossi). Maggio2004 – Dicembre 2006.
  • Progetto ENI-Agip dal titolo: Progetto BIODIVERSITA’. Applicazione di Biomarkers nel monitoraggio ecotossicologico di aree di estrazione petrolifera (offshore) per lo studio della biodiversità in Area Mediterranea. (Responsabile scientifico Prof. M.C. Fossi). Gennaio 2005 – Dicembre 2007.
Recent or highlight publications
  • FERRARO M., FOSSI M.C., CASINI S., MARSILI L., LEONZIO C., NERI G., ANCORA S., MORI G. 2001 - The application of a “multi-trial biomarker approach” in caged bioindicators for the ecotoxicological assessment of an AGIP oil plant: the BIOAGRI project. 11th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 6-10 May 2001.
  • FOSSI M.C., LEONZIO C., CASINI S., MARSILI L., ASTORRI M., PEDRONI P., FERRARO M. 2002 - BIOMARE: a pilot biomarker project for the ecotoxicological assessment of off-shore AGIP activity in the Mediterranean Sea. SETAC Europe 2002, 12th Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 12-16 May 2002: 255.
  • FERRARO M., FOSSI M.C., MARSILI L., CASINI S., MORI G., BUCALOSSI D., PORCELLONI S., CALIANI I., ALBERTI DI CATENAJA C. 2005 - Biomarkers as a tool to investigate toxicological effects of produced waters. 15th SETAC- Europe, Annual Meeting, Lille, France, 22-26 May 2005.
  • MORI G., FERRARO M., FOSSI M.C., CASINI S., MARSILI L., STEFANINI G., PORCELLONI S., CALIANI I., BIANCHI N., MALTESE S., ALBERTI DI CATENAJA C. 2005 - New bioindicators for ecotoxicological assessment of Mediterranean off-shore extraction: barnacles (Balanus trigonus and Balanus perforatus). S.It.E., XV Congresso Nazionale, Torino, 12-13 Settembre 2005.
  • CASINI S., MARSILI L., FOSSI M.C., MORI G., BUCALOSSI D., PORCELLONI S., CALIANI I., FERRARO M., ALBERTI DI CATENAJA C. 2006 - Use of biomarkers to investigate toxicological effects of produced waters treated with conventional and innovative methods. Marine Environmental Research, 62: 347-351.
  • CALIANI I., PORCELLONI S., MORI G., FRENZILLI G., FERRARO M., MARSILI L., CASINI S., FOSSI M.C. 2009 - Genotoxic effects of produced waters in mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis). Ecotoxicology, 18: 75–80.
  • MARSILI L., CASINI S., MORI G., ANCORA S., BIANCHI N., D’AGOSTINO A., FERRARO M., FOSSI M.C. 2009 - The Italian wall lizard (Podarcis sicula) as a bioindicator of oil field activity. Science of Total Environment, 407: 3597-3604.

Stefania Ancora
Ilaria Caliani
Tommaso Campani