Barazzuoli Piero

Piero Barazzuoli

Sezione di Scienze della Terra
Via Laterina 8 - 53100 Siena
Tel. 0577 233809 (int. 3809)


Curriculum Vitae and Publications
Field of research: ENGINEERING GEOLOGY.
General issues of research:
  • Hydrological and hydrogeological research finalized to finding and exploitation of surface and groundwater water resources;
  • Geological Researches for the territorial protection and management;
  • Applied Geology to the Territorial Planning;
  • Hydrogeological modeling.

Prof. Barazzuoli was among the founders of the Center for Research of the Water: conservation, management and use of water resources (CRA).

The Scientific Research activities of the Prof. Del Barazzuoli has resulted in over 180 scientific papers published in national and international journals and congress proceedings concerning matters such research, with particular reference to those hydrological-hydrogeological and territorial planning (see scientific papers).