Corsi Ilaria

Ilaria Corsi

Sezione di Scienze Ambientali
Via Mattioli 4 - 53100 Siena
Tel. (+39) 0577 232830 (int. 2830)
Fax (+39) 0577 232806 (int. 2806)


Curriculum Vitae and Publications
Ecotossicologia dei contaminanti emergenti e dei nanomateriali - QRcode

Main research interests are ecotoxicology of classical and new emerging contaminants including endocrine disruptors, pharmaceutical and personal care products and nanomaterials.

Biological/toxicological responses induced by contaminants exposure are investigated at different levels of biological organization from molecule, cell, tissue and whole organism in terrestrial, freshwater and marine species through a wide panel of biomarkers from detoxification/biotransformation pathways to neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, cytotoxicity, endrocrine disruption and reproductive impairments.