Technical Information
The Laboratory of Cartography deals with the acquisition, management and digital processing of geo-referenced geographical data, in addition to the editing, digitalization and realization of related maps.
Main lab tools
- N°1 Dual Core Pentium PC, O.S.: Windows XP
- N°1 NXT PC Intel Dual Core E2140 processor, O.S.: Ubuntu
- HP Designjet Plotter 800 PS, A0 format
- HP 4200 scanner, A0 format, equipped with a touch screen PC, O.S.: Windows 2000 Professional
- Bizhub C252 Multifunction Laser Printer (copier, scanner, printer)
- Olympus BX51 optical microscope with built-in camera
- HP Laserjet 6MP printer B / W
- Mustek A3 scanner, scann EXPRESS A3
- Carl Zeiss optical stereoscopes
Main Program of the laboratory
- OFFICE TM package, 2007 version
- ASC Software - ver. 2.2
- ESRI package including:
- Open Source Packages including:
- OPEN OFFICE (full)
- GOOGLE EARTH etc ...
Main topics and activities
The laboratory offers technical services for Public Administrations and private companies. It collaborates with the National Geological Survey - Ispra, Tuscany Region, municipalities and other institutions for the realization of geological maps at various scales, illustrative notes, archives of micropaleontological data, etc ...
The Laboratory of Geological Mapping is responsible to follow all the steps preceding the production of geological maps, such as preparation; plotting of topographic bases; study of aerial photographs; sampling, analysis and cataloging of samples. The laboratory provides to the compilation and updating of the informatics database (ASC – Automazione schede campione) related to data produced by geological surveys.
The Laboratory is able to provide scans and prints, from large to small format, on all main paper supports.
Research Projects
Laboratories have been participated in several national and local research projects; the following is a list of the main projects, some still in progress.
1998 - 2011
CARG national project for the production of the new Geological Map of Italy at 1: 50,000 scale. Sheets that have been made are: Sheet 285 - Volterra, Sheet 295 - Pomarance, Sheet 296 - Siena, Sheet 297 - Asciano, Sheet 306 - Massa Marittima.
2000 - 2007
Realization of Digital Geological Maps and Sections relating to the agreement with the City of Siena for the execution of the geological survey of the underground city.
2003 - 2006
Project for the realization of the Regional Geological Map at 1: 10,000 scale of Sheets:
286 – Poggibonsi, 308 – Montepulciano, 310 – Passignano sul Trasimeno, 321 – Abbadia San Salvatore, Pianosa Island, Formiche di Grosseto.
Collaboration for the realization of the Geological Map of Tuscany at the scale of 1: 250,000 with related database.
2004 - 2006
Participation at programs in collaboration with the Seismic Service of the Toscana Region as program DOCUP (Documento Unico di Programmazione per la Regione Toscana) e V.E.L. (Valutazione Effetti Locali) for the geological mapping of towns and municipalities with seismic risks.
2006 - 2007
Participation at the agreement with the city Amministration of Pienza for the realization of geological surveys to support the study and drafting of the General Regional Plan.
Participation at the agreement with the Siena Province in the research project on Geosite.
2008 - 2010
Collaboration on the project Gamma "Geothermal Fields" with the Tuscany Region.
Inside the Lab were three different types of tariff according to the users:
Price list for teachers who have contributed to the purchase of machinery:
- Color Print - Plotter A0 - Normal support € 2.00
- Color Print - Plotter A0 - Coated support € 4.00
- Color Print - Plotter A0 - Photo support € 8.00
Based on A0 format, the other formats will be estimated.
Pricing for all other users:
- Color Print - Plotter A0 - Normal support € 8.00
- Color Print - Plotter A0 - Coated support € 10.00
- Color Print - Plotter A0 - Photo support € 13.00
- A0 Scans € 5.00
Based on A0 format, the other formats will be estimated.
We offer a special price for teaching: the cost of printing and scanning is halved and billed to the Department.
- Mancini Antonella