High Energy PhysicsCDF detector at FermilabCMS experiment at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)TOTEM Experiment High Energy Astro-Particle PhysicsCALET Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station Instrumentation for physics experiments in spaceCREAM Balloon experiment (with launches from Antarctica)MAGIC Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope at the Cosmic Ray Observatory of Istituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (La Palma)CTA Cherenkov Telescope Array Spectroscopy and Quantum OpticsLIAD: Light Induced Atom DesorptionCOSMA: Coherent Optics Sensors for Medical ApplicationsWADE: Weak transition Amplitudes DEtectionAtomic Spectroscopy and Magnetometer Lab Medical Physics Digital Radiography BEATS: BEAm line from Thomson Source Complex Systems Complex Systems