PhD Experimental Physics - Introduction


The PhD in Experimental Physics is located in the Physics section, Department of Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Siena.
The Academic Board is the body that decides on the programming and educational activities of the Doctoral Course, it is made up of professors and researchers from the University of Siena and professors and research managers from Italian and foreign universities and public research bodies. The Coordinator is elected by the Board and has the task of organizing the educational and administrative activities of the PhD.
Access to the Doctorate in Experimental Physics takes place through a public competition in which each candidate, in addition to the qualifications, must present a research project falling within the aims of the school. A commission made up of PhD professors examines the requests and draws up a merit ranking from which the winners of the selection are selected. Each doctoral student is assigned by the Academic Board a tutor who will follow him during his studies.
 European network
The PhD School in Experimental Physics of the University of Siena is a member of the International Doctorate Network for Particle, Astrophysics and Cosmology (IDPASC), a European network of universities. In this framework, in October 2013, the PhD hosted the IDPASC School on Frontier Detectors for High Energy and Astroparticle Physics.
International partnership
In view of an integrated European network for university studies, a partnership agreement has been signed between the PhD School of Experimental Physics of Siena and the following Universities:
  • Paris-Nord University (XIII)
  • Institute of Electronics - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia)
A research agreement is active for research on gravitational waves between the Physics Doctoral School of Siena and the California Institute of Technology