The know-how of the Geomatics lab derives from the expertise of the Remote Sensing lab and the Geographic Information Systems lab, which were acting in the former Department of Earth Sciences.
Activities in Italy and abroad develop and implement integrated methods and tools of Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS and Engineering Geology applied to Environmental Geology issues:
· Land cover and semi-quantitative materials mapping by using remote sensing imagery and spectroradiometric measurements in Italy (Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Toscana) and abroad (Brazil, Ethiopia, Perù, Tanzania, Uruguay, Vietnam).
· Change detection analyses and multi-resolution spatio-temporal evolution within coastal areas in Italy (Toscana, Lazio, Sardegna) and abroad (Brazil, Portugal, Vietnam).
· High precision measurement and analysis of ground displacement and deformation caused by neotectonics, earthquakes, subsidence, shallow and deep-seated landslides in Italy (Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana) and abroad (Ethiopia).
· Engineering Geology characterization of bedrock units and slope deposits at local and mapping scales in Italy (Toscana).
· Numerical modeling of susceptibility and hazard to shallow landslides at local and mapping scales in Italy (Marche and Toscana).
· II level professional master “Sistemi informativi territoriali e telerilevamento” (SITT)
· ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme: Intensive Programme “Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach to Flood Risk Analysis (IMARA)”.
· ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme: Intensive Programme “MultI-Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Europe (MIRAME)”.
Emanuele Trefolini
Federico Viti
Michele Papasidero
Vincenzo Vacca