Introduction to Network Science - with applications to Precision Medicine

Giovedì, 22 Novembre, 2018 - 17:00
Network Science


Giovedì 22 novembre 2018, ore 17:00

Palazzina di Fisica, Complesso San Niccolò, via Roma 56 Siena
Sala riunioni

Luca Valori
(professore a contratto di Fisica - DBCF, UniSI)

terrà un seminario dal titolo:

“Introduction to Network Science - with applications to Precision Medicine”

Abstract: Network science is one of the most fascinating fields of mathematical physics. Starting from the pioneering work of Erdos and Renyi on mathematical objects called random graphs many network models have been developed in order to catch the characteristics of real networks. In fact real networks are “complex”: they show peculiar properties like scaling, universality or “small world” structure.
From biology, sociology, transport science… to the loop quantum gravity, networks are of crucial importance to unentangle puzzling behaviors and solve apparent paradoxes. Recently, the methods of network science have been fruitfully applied also to medicine and they have brought to the reconstruction of the first Human Disease Network.
In this seminar a basic introduction to graph theory and network models is presented. Then specific focus will be given to the recent discoveries of a new branch of the precision medicine: the so called Network Medicine.

Il seminario sarà tenuto in italiano.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.