Senior Scientist position in Deep-Sea Mapping, Ghent University

Venerdì, 14 Marzo 2014
The deadline for application is 15 April 2014.


A position (M/F) for 1 experienced Marine Geologist is available at Ghent University (, at the Renard Centre of Marine Geology ( of the Department of Geology and Soil Science, for the duration of 1 year starting from May 2014. After yearly evaluation, this position may be prolonged. This position frames within a Belgian industry-academia collaboration, aiming to perform exploration activities for manganese nodules on the Pacific seabed between the Clarion and Clipperton Fracture Zones.
The senior scientist will be actively involved in the acquisition campaign, as well as in the processing, analysis and interpretation of geophysical data (multibeam, backscatter, seismics), leading to the generation of different sets of seabed maps, that will be used for further surveying. More specifically, the senior scientist will coordinate all UGent-RCMG activities regarding this collaboration and will seek additional funding and/or shiptime.



  • You have an MSc or PhD degree in Geology, Geophysics or equivalent.
  • Experience in the acquisition, processing and interpretation of multibeam bathymetric data, whereas knowledge of seismic profiling is seen as a secondary advantageous skill
  • Experience in habitat mapping and geostatistical analyses (GIS) is an advantage.
  • You are willing to participate in a 1-2 month acquisition campaign.
  • You are interested in multidisciplinary work, e.g. sediment core analyses, oceanography,…
  • You have a good and proven knowledge of English (written and oral).
  • You are able to work independently, and to report frequently.
  • You are willing to assist in teaching activities.



Please send your application, by E-mail, to Prof. Dr. David Van Rooij ( You can also use this address to ask for more detailed information.
The application file must contain (all in pdf):

  • Application letter including your letter of motivation
  • A curriculum vitae, including your University study results and copies of your diplomas
  • The names and E-mail addresses of 2 academic references

The deadline for application is 15 April 2014.