Siena International School on Sustainable Development 2022

Lunedì, 21 Febbraio 2022
Technological, organizational and social transformations towards carbon neutrality
Siena International School on Sustainable Development 2022

The Siena International School on Sustainable Development 2022 focuses on the process of reduction of climate-changing emissions, discussing opportunities, solutions and implications of the decarbonization process for our society and businesses, in particular in the sectors of energy production, agri-food and industry.

It will be carried out in three phases (from 14 March to 18 June 2022), combining didactic and scientific interactions, online and on-campus courses.

This year, the fourth edition targets a wider public, European and not only, aiming to provide high-level training and qualification with professors and experts from internationally renowned bodies and institutions.

The School is open to researchers, managers, officers at private and public institutions, and entrepreneurs, to create a network of game-changers, able to develop and implement effective and inclusive solutions in the field of decarbonization.

The School is completely free of charge.

Applications are open until 4 March, feel free to share the news among your networks!