Italian Association for Quaternary Research (AIQUA) announces a competition for the assignment of TWO AWARDS to support the participation of early career researchers to the XIX INQUA Congress (Nagoya, Japan, 27 July - 2 August 2015).
Both awards are reserved to AIQUA members (AIQUA receives affiliation requests from candidates).
If none of presented works will be judged eligible, the prize will be re-assigned for the next relevant international conference (e.g. IGC, EGU, AGU).
The call is open to non tenured researchers, scholarship holders and research fellows. One award is reserved to researchers holding Italian nationality.
Each prize will be awarded to the first author (who must be also corresponding author) of the best work submitted for publication in the AIQUA journal, AMQ - Alpine and Mediterranean Quater-nary, and presented at the 2015 INQUA Congress (either oral or poster communication).
Deadlines for submission of title + abstract: September 30th 2014
For all information, see the link below.