- Cartografia geologica del Sedimentario
- Analisi stratigrafica ad alta risoluzione dei bacini sedimentari post-collisionali nordappenninici
- Architettura deposizionale e stratigrafia di sistemi torbiditici in bacini di avampaese
- Architettura deposizionale, stratigrafia e sedimentologia di sistemi fluvio-lacustri e marino-marginali
- Sedimentologia terrigena di grotta
- Carbonati continentali: calcareous tufa , travertini, speleotemi
- Geologia urbana, Geodiversità e Geositi
- Studi di provenienza clastica
- Evoluzione deposizionale e relazioni tra sedimentazione e tettonica nei sistemi orogenici e post-orogenici
- Tecniche analitiche (Microscopia, Catodoluminescenza ,ecc)
- Rilevamento geologico
- Ciclostratigrafia
- Stratigrafia fisica ed analisi di facies
- Biostratigrafia
- Petrografia sedimentaria quantitativa
- Morfometria geometrica
- Isotopi Stabili
- Versante tirrenico e padano dell’Appennino Settentrionale
- Corsica, Tirreno settentrionale e Arcipelago Toscano
- L'area mediterranea e circumediterranea
- Altopiano etiopico
- Turchia occidentale
- Stretto di Corinto, Grecia
- Nova Scotia, Canada
- Yorkshire, Inghilterra
- Mare di Ross e Montagne Transantartiche (Terra Vittoria), Antartide
- University of Granada,Spain
- University of Hull,UK
- Team ANDRILL, Antarctica
- University of Guelph (Canada)
- Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada)
- Lazzarotto Antonio (Professore Emerito)
- Martini Ivan (Assegnista di Ricerca)
- Corti Valentina (Dottoranda)
- Gandin Anna (Visiting Professor)
Cartografia geologica del Sedimentario
Rilevamento geologico della Regione Toscana, Regione Marche, Carta Geologica d’Italia a scala 1:50.000, Foglio 285-Volterra, Foglio 295-Pomarance, Foglio 296-Siena, Foglio 297-Asciano, Foglio 306-Massa Marittima, Foglio 266-Mercato Saraceno, Foglio 267-San Marino.
- BIANCHI V., GHINASSI M., ALDINUCCI M., BOSCAIN N., MARTINI I., MOSCON G., RONER M. (accepted) - Geological map of Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits of the Ambra and Ombrone valleys (Northern Siena Basin, Tuscany, Italy). Journal of Maps, 2013
- CONTI, P., CARMIGNANI, L., CORNAMUSINI, G., PIRRO, A., 2013 accepted. The Geological Map of Tuscany (Italy). Journal of Maps, 2013.
- ARRAGONI S., MARTINI I., SANDRELLI F. 2012. Facies associations map of the Pliocene marine deposits of the central-southern Siena Basin (Tuscany, Italy). Journal of Maps, 8(4), 406-412.
- CORNAMUSINI, G., IELPI, A., BONCIANI, F., CALLEGARI, I., CONTI, P., 2012. Geological Map of the Chianti Mts. (Northern Apennines, Italy). Journal of Maps 8, 22-32.
- MARTINI I., ALDINUCCI M., FORESI L. M., MAZZEI R., SANDRELLI F. 2011. Geological map of the Pliocene succession of the Northern Siena Basin (Tuscany, Italy). Journal of Maps, v2011, 193-205.
- IELPI, A., 2011. Geological Map of the Santa Barbara Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy). Journal of Maps, 2011, pp. 614-625.
- BAMBINI, A.M., BROGI, A., CORNAMUSINI, G., COSTANTINI, A., FORESI, L.M., LAZZAROTTO, A., 2010. Geologia dell’area di Rapolano Terme in Provincia di Siena (Appennino Settentrionale). Italian Journal of Geosciences, 129, 457-495.
- COLTORTI, M., RAVANI, S., CORNAMUSINI, G., IELPI, A., VERRAZZANI, F., 2009. A sagging along the eastern Chianti Mts., Italy. Geomorphology, 112, pp. 15-26.
Analisi stratigrafica ad alta risoluzione dei bacini sedimentari post-collisionali nordappenninici
- MARTINI I., ARRAGONI S., ALDINUCCI M., FORESI L.M., BAMBINI A.M., SANDRELLI F. 2013. Detection of detached forced-regressive nearshore wedges: a case study from the central-southern Siena Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy). International Journal of Earth Sciences.
- IELPI, A., 2013. Frequency-reliant correlative patterns of asymmetric lacustrine-paralic sequences: A genetic approach to the late Miocene Bithynia Marlstones of the southeastern Volterra Basin, Italy. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 83, 377-394.
- IELPI, A., 2012. Orbitally-driven climate forcing in late Pliocene lacustrine siderite-rich clastic rhythms (Upper Valdarno Basin, Northern Apennines, Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 331-332, pp. 119-135.
- RIFORGIATO, F., FORESI, L.M., DI STEFANO, A., ALDINUCCI, M., PELOSI, N., MAZZEI, R., SALVATORINI, G., SANDRELLI, F., 2011. The Miocene/Pliocene boundary in the Mediterranean area: New insights from a high-resolution micropalaeontological and cyclostratigraphical study (Cava Serredi section, Central Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 305, 310-328.
- IELPI, A., 2011. Sequence stratigraphy of a late Pliocene lignite seam (Upper Valdarno Basin, Northern Apennines). Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 17, pp. 115-120.
- RIFORGIATO, F., FORESI, L.M., ALDINUCCI, M., MAZZEI, R., DONIA, F., GENNARI, R., SALVATORINI, G., SANDRELLI, F., 2008. Foraminiferal record and astronomical cycles: An example from the Messinian pre-evaporitic Gello composite section (Tuscany, Italy). Stratigraphy, 5, 265-280.
- ALDINUCCI, M., BIGAZZI, G., DALL'ANTONIA, B., DA PRATO, S., DONIA, F., D'ORAZIO, M., FORESI, L.M., MAZZEI, R., RIFORGIATO, F., SANDRELLI, F., ZANCHETTA, G., 2005. The upper Messinian post-evaporitic succession of Serredi Quarry (southern Tuscany, Italy: New stratigraphic data and geochronology of an ash layer. GeoActa, 4, 67-82
Architettura deposizionale e stratigrafia di sistemi torbiditici in bacini di avampaese
- IELPI, A., CORNAMUSINI, G., 2013 accepted. An outer ramp to basin plain transect: Interacting pelagic and calciturbidite deposition in the Eocene-Oligocene of the Tuscan Domain, Adria Microplate (Italy). Sedimentary Geology, 2013.
- CORNAMUSINI, G., IELPI, A., BONCIANI, F., CALLEGARI, I., CONTI, P., 2011. Thrusting, strike-slip tectonics and stratigraphic architecture in a thrust-belt belt (Chianti Mts, Northern Apennines). Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana 15, 47-50.
- BAMBINI, A.M., BROGI, A., CORNAMUSINI, G., COSTANTINI, A., LAZZAROTTO, A., 2009. Nuovi dati litostratigrafici e biostratigrafici sulla Scaglia Toscana nella Toscana Meridionale (area di Rapolano Terme). Italian Journal of Geosciences 128, 669-693.
- CORNAMUSINI, G., 2004. Sand-rich turbidite system of the Late Oligocene Northern Apennines foredeep: physical stratigraphy and architecture of the ‘Macigno costiero’ (coastal Tuscany, Italy). In: Lomas, S.A., Joseph, P. (Eds.), Confined Turbidite Systems: Geological Society of London, Special Publication 222, pp. 261-283.
Architettura deposizionale, stratigrafia e sedimentologia di sistemi fluvio-lacustri e marino-marginali
- CORNAMUSINI, G., OLIVETTI, V., TALARICO, F.M., 2013. Overview on the stratigraphic and sedimentological features of the Permian-Mesozoic continental successions of the Northern Victoria Land (Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica). I.A.S. Meeting Manchester 2013.
- IELPI, A., GIBLING, M.R., BASHFORTH, A.R., LALLY, C., RYGEL, M.C., AL-SILWADI, S., 2013 submitted. Early Pennsylvanian rivers shaped by wood accumulations: architecture of the Boss Point Formation, Atlantic Canada. Submitted to Sedimentology.
- SANDRELLI, F., BIANCHI, V., BILLI, P., CORNAMUSINI, G., GHINASSI, M., IELPI, A., 2012. The Antalo Group – Amba Aradam Fm. transition in Central Ethiopia: a Late Jurassic-Cretaceous regression cycle within the Gondwana break up. I.A.S. Meeeting Schladming.
- BIANCHI V., BILLI P., CORNAMUSINI G., FEDI M., GHINASSI M., IELPI A., SANDRELLI F., 2012. The Holocene infill of the Adwa Valley (Tigray, Northern Ethiopia): preliminary results. Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 21, 1029-1030
- IELPI, A., GHINASSI, M., FIDOLINI, F., 2012. Anatomy of falling stage to early transgressive fluvial-deltaic deposits: outcrop and borehole data from the lacustrine late Pliocene of the Upper Valdarno Basin (Italy). Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 21, 1050-1052.
- IELPI, A., 2012. Anatomy of major coal successions: Facies analysis and sequence architecture of a brown coal-bearing valley fill to lacustrine tract (Upper Valdarno Basin, Northern Apennines, Italy). Sedimentary Geology, 265-266, pp. 163-181.
- IELPI, A., BIANCHI, V., BILLI, P., CORNAMUSINI, G., GHINASSI, M., SANDRELLI, F., 2012. The Paleozoic?-Triassic Adigrat Sandstones in Northern Ethiopia: some new sedimentological and stratigraphical considerations. I.A.S. Meeeting Schladming.
- ALDINUCCI, M., GHINASSI, M., SANDRELLI, F., 2007. Climatic and tectonic signature in the fluvial infill of a late Pliocene valley (Siena Basin, Northern Apennines, Italy). Journal of Sedimentary Research 77 (5-6) , 398-414
Sedimentologia terrigena di grotta
- IACOVIELLO F., MARTINI I. (in press) - Clay minerals in cave sediments and terra rossa soils in the Montagnola Senese karst massif (Italy). Geological Quarterly.
- IACOVIELLO F., MARTINI I. 2012. Provenance and geological significance of red mud and other clastic sediments of the Mugnano cave (Montagnola Senese, Italy). International Journal of Speleology, 41 (2), 317-328.
- MARTINI I. 2011. Cave clastic sediments and implications for speleogenesis: new insights from the Mugnano Cave (Montagnola Senese, Northern Apennines, Italy). Geomorphology, 134, 452-460
Carbonati continentali: calcareous tufa , travertini, speleotemi
- BROGI A., CAPEZZUOLI E., BURACCHI E., BRANCA M., 2012. Tectonic control on fluid flow and deposition of travertine and calcareous tufa: insight from the Middle Pleistocene-Holocene low temperature geothermal system at Sarteano (Central Italy). Journal of the Geological Society, 169, 461-476.
- BROGI A., CAPEZZUOLI E., AQUE´ R., BRANCA M., VOLTAGGIO M., 2010. Studying travertines for neotectonics investigations: Middle–Late Pleistocene syn-tectonic travertine deposition at Serre di Rapolano (Northern Apennines, Italy). Int. J. Earth Sci., 99, 1383-1398.
- CAPEZZUOLI E., GANDIN A. , SANDRELLI F., 2010. Calcareous tufa as indicators of climatic variability: a case from the Southern Tuscany (Italy). In: Pedley, M. & Rogerson, M. (eds). “Tufas, Speleothems and Stromatolites: Unravelling the Physical and Microbial Controls”. Geological Society London, Special Publications, 336, 263-281
- CAPEZZUOLI E., PRIORI S., COSTANTINI E.A.C., SANDRELLI F., 2009. Stratigraphic and paleopedological aspects from the Middle Pleistocene continental deposits of the southern Valdelsa Basin. Italian Journal Geosciences, 128 (2), 395-402.
- CAPEZZUOLI E., GANDIN A., SANDRELLI F., 2008. Evidence of associated deposition of travertine and calcareous tufa in the Quaternary carbonates of Valdelsa Basin (Tuscany). Il Quaternario, 21(1B), 113-124.
- BROGI A., CAPEZZUOLI E., 2009. Travertine deposition and faulting: the fault-related travertine fissure-ridge at Terme S. Giovanni, Rapolano Terme (Italy). Int. J. Earth Sci. , 98, 931–947.
- PRIORI S., COSTANTINI E.A.C., CAPEZZUOLI E., PROTANO G., HILGERS A., SAUER D., SANDRELLI F., 2008. Pedostratigraphy of Terra Rossa and Quaternary geological evolution of a lacustrine limestone plateau in central Italy. Journal of Plant nutrition and Soil Science, 171, 509-523.
- GANDIN A., CAPEZZUOLI E., 2008. Travertine versus Calcareous tufa: distinctive petrologic features and stable isotopes signatures. Il Quaternario, 21(1B), 125-136.
- GANDIN A., CAPEZZUOLI E., CIACCI A., 2006. The stone of the inscribed Etruscan stelae from the Valdelsa area (Siena, Italy). In: MAGGETTI, M. & MESSIGA, B. (eds). Geomaterials in Cultural Heritage. Geological Society London, Special Publications, 257, 273–282.
- CAPEZZUOLI E., GANDIN A., 2005. Facies distribution and microfacies of thermal-spring travertine from Tuscany. In: OZKUL M., YAGIZ S. & JONES B. (Ed.): Proceedings of Ist International Symposium on Travertine, 21-25/09/2005, Pamukkale University, Denizli (Tr), 43-50, Kozan Ofset, Ankara.
- CAPEZZUOLI E., GANDIN A., 2004. I “travertini” in Italia: proposta di una nuova nomenclatura basata sui caratteri genetici. Il Quaternario, 17(2/1), 273-284
Geologia urbana, Geodiversità e Geositi
- BURACCHI E., COSTANTINI A., 2011 - Geologia Urbana: a Siena le rocce raccontano… Geologia dell’Ambiente, SIGEA
- COSTANTINI, A., 2010. Geodiversità e geositi: Marchio e valore aggiunto dei territori delle province di Siena e Grosseto | [Geodiversity and geosites: Trade-mark and distinctive signs of the siena and grosseto territories]. Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 12, 26-32.
- COSTANTINI, A., 2010. Il percorso di lettura ambientale "torrente gonna" (Toscana meridionale) | [The educational naturalistic trail of Gonna stream]. Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 12, 33-39.
- BURACCHI E., COSTANTINI A. 2010 - Il Bottino di Fontenuova: un geosito nel sottosuolo senese. Geologia e Turismo
- BURACCHI E., CAPEZZUOLI E., COSTANTINI E. 2013 - I Travertini di Massa Marittima. Rivista Geologia e Turismo
Studi di provenienza clastica
- CORNAMUSINI G., TALARICO F., SANDRONI S. 2010. Provenance history in a glacimarine setting: data from coarse clasts in AND-2A core, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. International Sedimentological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina.
- CORNAMUSINI G., 2010. Sedimentary coarse clasts in AND-2A core, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica: stratigraphic distribution and provenance. Proceedings of the ANDRILL Project, Contribution, 16, 22-24.
- PANTER KS, TALARICO FM, BASSETT K, DEL CARLO P, FIELD B, FRANK T, HOFFMANN S, KUHN G, REICHELT L, SANDRONI S, TAVIANI M, BRACCIALI L, CORNAMUSINI G, VON EYNATTEN H, ROCCHI S, ANDRILL-SMS SCIENCE TEAM, 2008-2009. Petrologic and Geochemical Composition of the AND-2A Core, ANDRILL Southern Mcmurdo Sound Project, Antarctica. Terra Antartica,15/1, 147-192.
- CORNAMUSINI, G., ELTER, P., SANDRELLI, F., 2002. The Corsica-Sardinia Massif as source area for the early northern Apennines foredeep system: evidence from debris flows in the “Macigno costiero” (Late Oligocene, Italy). International Journal of Earth Sciences 91, 280-290.
- CORNAMUSINI G., 2002. Compositional evolution of the Macigno Fm. of southern Tuscany along a transect from the Tuscan coast to the Chianti Hills. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. Spec. n.1, 365-374.
Evoluzione deposizionale e relazioni tra sedimentazione e tettonica nei sistemi orogenici e post-orogenici
- CORNAMUSINI, G., FORESI, L.M., DALL’ANTONIA, B., BOSSIO, A., MAZZEI, R., SALVATORINI, G., submitted. The Miocene of the Pianosa Island: a key for the puzzle on the opening of the backarc Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Submitted to Geological Magazine.
- CORNAMUSINI, G., PASCUCCI, V., 2013 submitted. Sedimentation in the episutural vs. rift basin of the Northern Apennines-Corsica system (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Central Mediterranean): offshore drilling data from the Elba-Pianosa Ridge. Submitted to International Journal of Earth Sciences.
- IELPI, A., CORNAMUSINI, G., 2013 submitted. A basin-scale model for syn-rift nonmarine deposition: architecture and syn-tectonic evolution of the Tortonian inlier of the SE Volterra Basin, Italy. Submitted to Basin Research.
- IELPI, A., CORNAMUSINI, G., 2012. A progressive unconformity-bounded stratigraphic unit within extensional settings, SE Volterra Basin, Italy. Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 21, pp. 1047-1049.
- MARTINI I., BROGI A., CAPEZZUOLI E., SANDRELLI F. 2010. Neotectonics in the inner Northern Apennines: evidence from late Quaternary alluvial sediments of the northern Siena Basin. In: Rendiconti online Società Geologica Italiana. 11, 1, p. 336.
- CORNAMUSINI, G., FORESI, L.M., MASSA, G., BONCIANI, F., CALLEGARI, I., DA PRATO, S., IELPI, A., 2011. The Miocene of the Fiora Hills: insights about the development of the late Cenozoic minor basins of the Southern Tuscany. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 130, pp. 404-424.
- ALDINUCCI, M., PANDELI, E., SANDRELLI, F., 2008. Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic metasediments of the Monticiano-Roccastrada Ridge (southern Tuscany, Northern Apennines, Italy). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 127, 567-579.
- ALDINUCCI, M., GANDIN, A., SANDRELLI, F., 2008. The Mesozoic continental rifting in the Mediterranean area: Insights from the Verrucano tectofacies of southern Tuscany (Northern Apennines, Italy). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 1247-1269.
- PASCUCCI V., MARTINI I.P., SAGRI M., SANDRELLI F., 2007. Effects of the transverse structural lineaments on Neogene-Quaternary basins of Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines, Italy). In: Nichols G, Paola C, Williams EA (eds) Sedimentary processes, environments and basins – A tribute to Peter Friend. I.A.S. Spec Pub, 37, pp 155-183.
- PASCUCCI V., COSTANTINI A., MARTINI I.P., DRINGOLI R. 2006. Tectono-sedimentary analysis of a complex, extensional, Neogene basin formed on thrust-faulted, Northern Apennines hinterland: Radicofani Basin, Italy. Sedimentary Geology, 183, 71-97.
- ALDINUCCI, M., BROGI, A., SANDRELLI, F., 2005. The metamorphic units of the eastern side of Monte Leoni (Northern Apennines, Italy). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 124, 313-332.
- CARMIGNANI, L., CONTI, P., CORNAMUSINI, G., MECCHERI, M., 2004. The internal Northern Apennines, the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and the Sardinia-Corsica block. In: Crescenti, V., D’Offizi, S., Merlino, S., Sacchi, L. (Eds.), Geology of Italy: Special volume of the Italian Geological Society for the IGC 32 Florence, pp. 59-77.
- CORNAMUSINI G., LAZZAROTTO A., MERLINI S., PASCUCCI V., 2002. Eocene-Miocene evolution of the North Tyrrhenian Sea. Boll Soc Geol It, vol spec 1:769-787.